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Yaho - Hiking meetup iOS Application

App planning, design, development, and operation.

Hiking Meetup Platform iOS Application🔗

Tech Stack : React Native, Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, Codepush

2021.09 ~ 2021.12

Yaho image

Yaho is a dedicated hiking meetup platform app, where I was responsible for the entire development, UI design, and actively participated in the project planning alongside one service planner. After its release on the App Store in December 2021, I have been operating and maintaining it for approximately a year.

✔️ Key Implementations:

  • Developed all pages within the app.
  • Utilized Codepush to minimize App Store updates and established a real-time deployment environment.
  • Implemented data CRUD logic for users, meetups, and mountain information using Firebase Firestore DB.
  • Implemented user authentication using Firebase Authentication.
  • Enabled changing main banner images and landing locations without app updates by adjusting flag values in the database.

A. Enhancement Work for Operational Efficiency

Identified Issues

  • There was a challenge in responding quickly to code modifications because every code change required app store review and updates, impacting user experience. A solution was needed to swiftly deliver code changes to users.
  • Frequent updates for homepage banners (image/link changes) led to concerns about user attrition due to app updates. This required a redesign to enable banner changes without app updates.


  • CodePush was introduced, allowing JavaScript code modifications without app store updates, enabling rapid bug fixes.
  • The homepage banner image path and links were dynamically controlled and redesigned to facilitate banner changes through database updates without the need for app updates, making it possible to instantly display various banners to users for different seasons.